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Eco schools program in Georgia

Eco-schools were first established in 1994 in Denmark by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE). With the support of UNESCO and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).

The Ecoschool program is an incentive mechanism related to the 2015-2030 Sustainable Development Goals and is recognized worldwide. The program offers the participating schools the opportunity to contribute to the health of the environment and raise generations with the spirit of environmental citizenship, engage in exchange processes and share their experiences through the national and international network of eco-schools.

Ecoschool, as an educational program, promotes education for sustainable development through the introduction of project-based learning and a systematic, interdisciplinary approach. Its program links sustainable development issues to subject-specific curricula and provides opportunities to explore environmental topics through active action, observation, and research in or outside the learning environment.

Objectives of the ecoschool program:

sustainability of the schools involved;

implementation of specific actions of students, school community and community in terms of sustainability;

Empowering young people to contribute to the sustainable development of the Earth through practical actions and initiatives, learning and research activities and mutual cooperation;

Raising students' awareness of global issues.

The program is the best way for the school to work to improve its environment and become greener, less costly and more environmentally responsible.

The Eco-Schools program unites the entire school community around a project to be implemented, promotes cooperation between different groups of school staff and students, as well as their parents. The eco-school renews the initiatives and practical actions of young people, encouraging them to engage and protect effectively


The program develops students' teamwork skills. Through it, young people believe that they can change the environmental policy around them. Their participation in solving problems makes it possible to see the results firsthand and to be convinced of their own abilities. It helps the students involved in the project to acquire knowledge, skills and right values. Increases motivation to respond to surrounding challenges.

The Eco-Schools program is based on a seven-step methodology that allows the program to be implemented at a desired pace. It creates a kind of framework around which the whole school community unites, and students are assigned a leading role in the implementation of the program and its success.

The program uses the school building and its associated areas (such as educational laboratories, yard, garden, etc.). Each participating school chooses a theme related to the Sustainable Development Goals for a one- or two-year project and implements initiatives aimed at practical improvement of its performance in relation to this goal. In parallel with the implemented initiatives, there are educational activities related to sustainable development that take place in the classroom or outside the school.

In order to ensure the effective development of the educational process and continuous improvement of school life, the school can add a new topic every year.

When a school has completed all seven steps in a chosen theme, it can apply for a "Green Flag" to mark and communicate its progress to the community. The award will be given by an independent commission of experts. He celebrates the success of the school with this. The award is valid for two years. It can be updated by working on a new topic or by extending work on an existing topic.

As a result of the implementation of the eco-schools program, the school:

introduces students to the environment;

develops their environmental responsibility and care;

will strengthen students' knowledge in the direction of environmental topics and methods;

ensures the sustainability of the school;

Reduces costs and saves resources for schools, families and communities;

influences the community around the school;

Combines knowledge and experience.

The topics of the eco-schools program are quite diverse and include the following issues:

Climate Change – examines the impact of our lifestyles on the climate and how program participants can positively impact the climate change process.

Health and well-being – helps schools to promote healthy lifestyles in students and the community as a whole; Link environmental protection to health and safety.

Global citizenship and culture – sets out our rights and responsibilities at national, European and global levels; It helps the participants of the program - the school community, students, their parents - to get to know and observe the habits of resource consumption in different parts of the world.

Equality and Equity – relates to the Sustainable Development Goals towards achieving equality and equity regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, disability, religion or sexual orientation. Raises awareness of the need for equal treatment of all and promotes justice.

Biodiversity and Ecosystems – studies the flora and fauna in the school environment and offers participants ways and means to increase biodiversity; Raises public awareness of biodiversity.

Energy – offers ways for schools involved in the program to work together to raise awareness of clean and affordable energy and energy conservation issues and improve school energy efficiency.

Food - helps students, their parents and the whole community to make responsible food choices, and to act every day to protect the environment, support human rights and improve the well-being of society.

Sea and Coast – introduces students to marine and coastal habitats, human impact on them and opportunities to protect them.

School Grounds – helping schools to really introduce children to the natural environment and biodiversity through safe outdoor learning.

Transport – offers students, staff and local government to work together on transport issues to raise awareness and make practical decisions that can change the everyday lives of students.

Litter and Waste - identifies the impact of waste on the environment and suggests ways to minimize the waste we produce every day.

Water - discusses the importance of water locally and globally, raising awareness of simple actions that can significantly reduce water use.

Ecoschools program has been successfully implemented for more than 25 years in 70 countries of the world and unites 19 million students and more than one million teachers.

The program of eco-schools in Georgia is implemented by the association "Protect Georgia's Cleanliness", which was established in 2015 on the basis of the union of scientists, experts, environmental protection activists and volunteers working in various fields. Since then, he has been actively involved in environmental activities. The association actively cooperates with the ministries of education and science, agriculture and environment of Georgia.

In 2019, the association "Protect the Cleanliness of Georgia" together with local and international partners, with the financial support of the Swedish government, was involved in the ongoing project "Protect the Cleanliness of Georgia", which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollution in Georgia.

By promoting sustainable education and the circular economy (economy without waste).

In 2020, within the framework of the mentioned project, the association "Protect the Cleanliness of Georgia" became an associate member of the Environmental Education Foundation (FEE) and a representative of the eco-schools program at the national level.


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