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April 22 - Earth Day

On April 22, in connection with Earth Day, in Mziuri Park, the PHOTO SMOG project of the organization "Protect the Cleanliness of Georgia" and the independent photographer Levan Kashibadze will be presented, which includes a series of photos created especially for this day and an installation on the topic of environmental pollution and waste.

The aim of the project is to remind the society once again how we endanger the earth every day. We need to care and think about this problem every minute, but once a year, on April 22, on Earth Day, we can talk about this topic out loud and show each other an example of how to protect the cleanliness of the earth.

Within the framework of the event, it is planned to reveal and reward the winners of the school competition "Ecohero" held within the project "Protect the cleanliness of Georgia" and the essay competition on environmental issues initiated by the Union of Nature Researchers of Georgia "Orkis".

Representatives of the Ministries of Environment and Agriculture, Education and Science, the Swedish Embassy and the Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency, and environmental organizations will attend the event.Attendance at the event is free

Place - Mziuri Park (lower part, area around the lake)

Time: 17:30-19:00

The project "Keep Georgia Tidy" is implemented by a consortium of non-governmental organizations: "Keep Georgia Tidy" (KGT), Union of Georgian Nature Researchers "Orchis" (GSNE "Orchis") and "Georgian Green Movement/Friends of the Earth" -Georgia" (GMG/FoE-G), with the financial support of the Swedish government, with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia, the Ministries of Environment Protection and Agriculture, Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia, with the Center for Environmental Information and Education of the State of Georgia and in cooperation with the Solid Waste Management Company of Georgia.


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